Thursday, December 25, 2014

Basic Sql interview questions

How to find highest salary
How to find nth salary
What's the use of joins
Use of aggregate operations like min Max avg count ..
How to eliminate duplicate records
Use of inner and outer joins
Left right full outer joins
Basic crud operations in SQL example using create select insert delete
Use of in and between operations
Conditional statement in SQL
Use of views trigger and procedure
Group by having example
String operations
Inner and outer queries

Selenium webdriver interview questions

How to navigate between frames
Navigation between two window frames
Javascript Calendar validation
Select the dynamic elements using dynamic xpath
How to diff between Firefox chrome internet explore browser testing using webdriver
how to execute JavaScript using web driver
Implicit and explicit wait
Difference between selenium RC and webdriver
Use of selenium Grid
How to handle pop ups
How to select element with same of in two different places
How to test password
Data driven and keyword driven architecture