Selenium testNG Junit

About Selenium:

Selenium Core : A component of selenium than a stand alone project. Without going into the project history, Selenium was once just a collection of .js files that automated a browser. No one uses these directly, they're just there for legacy reasons.

Selenium IDE: Firefox plugin for record/playback

Selenium RC (Remote Control): Selenium 1.x is a client-server architecture. You use the RC libraries to program tests that communicate with the server, and the server relays those commands to a browser.

Selenium Grid: Way to run Selenium testing on a distributed network of computers.

Selenium Webdriver: The primary new feature in Selenium 2.0 is the integration of the WebDriver API. WebDriver is designed to providing an simpler, more concise programming interface along with addressing some limitations in the Selenium-RC API.

Selenium Interview Questions:

Advantages and Disadvantages of selenium automation tool

What is the need of Test automation for web application

Finding the locators using selenium

Finding the locators using selenium

Frequently Used Selenium Commands

Selenium Programming Questions Using testNG and Junit:

Selenium Using testNG example: Home Page Test

Adding new method to Selenium User Extensions

Adding assertion Methods to Selenium Library

Web Driver Programming Questions.

Web Driver basic Commands

Web Driver Advanced Commands



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